ABS – What is it?
Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) are electro-hydraulic systems designed to prevent the vehicle from spinning out of control during times when maximum brake pedal pressure is required.
Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) are electro-hydraulic systems designed to prevent the vehicle from spinning out of control during times when maximum brake pedal pressure is required.
TPMS stands for Tire Pressure Monitoring System. It is an electronic system that keeps an eye on your tire pressure and warns you when a tire is under-inflated.
Can backup camera save lives? Here are the facts In the U.S. at least fifty children are being backed over by vehicles EVERY week. The predominant age of victims is one year olds. (12-23 months). Over 60% of backing up incidents involved a larger size vehicle. (truck, van, SUV). Tragically, in over 70% of these incidents, a parent or close relative is behind the wheel. I believe that making a rearview camera standard equipment will help in reducing these tragic numbers. This can also be a item to improve a shops bottom line by offering a add on camera system.