Technician Training Protocols
Technology has changed so many things in our lives. Anyone who has been in the automotive industry very long is aware that technology has not only changed the way we live and work but is constantly evolving at an incredible rate. We are in an industry where the...
10 Reasons Why This is Not Your Grandfather’s Shop Anymore
There are at least 10 reasons why “This is not your grandfather’s shop anymore”. In this series, we’ll have a look at some of the advances in the industry that have occurred over the years and how they have affected the way we do our jobs.

When to Replace the Transmission Fluid Filter
Transmission fluid filters are commonly known for keeping contaminants out of the transmission fluid. However, there are some types of problems which can affect the filters and prevent them from functioning properly. Listen for Excess Noise In case you hear any...
What is Considered Good Training?
I have had the luxury and pleasure to visit hundreds of repair facilities across the Midwest. I was always accompanied by a distribution representative that would give me a brief synopsis of the type of shop we were getting ready to enter. It was always interesting to...
How Does My Car Know if There is a Low Tire?
There are two main types of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems that let your vehicle know when a tire is underinflated: Direct TPMS and Indirect TPMS.